• "Discover the hidden keys in the Tarot and experience profound personal growth"

    - Ruanna
  • "When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as our fate"

    - Carl Jung
  • "It amazes me to find at Hen's Nights there are still people that have never had a Tarot reading before"

    - Ruanna

News Feed

  • Tarot Readings for Brimbank City Council Xmas Event 2024

    Tarot readings were very popular, they were queing up, thank goodness there were two of us. We only had time to do 3 card spreads. For many, it was a their first time having a reading, I think they were very happy.
  • Hens Party at the Fitzroy Builders Arms Hotel

    The whole room was set up for a feast and a very gothic romantic evening, where the guests wore black and the bride wore white. The Tarot readings added to the ambiance.
  • Postcast on Healers & Psychics Directory

    Listen to my Podcast on why my colleague Andre and I created the Healers and Psychics Directiory. Also you can "Add Your Listing" to our trusted SEO powerful directory.

Welcome to my "Tarot in Action" webpage...

"Fate leads him who will,
he who won't, they will drag!"
-Liz Greene

My love for Metaphysics and Tarot has sent me on a wonderful journey. I have built a rich and fulfilling life around my passion for Tarot and metaphysics, Tarot has guided me and giving me the clarification I need to proceed. My aim, as always, is to provide guidance and clear direction as a wayshower and a change agent, so that my clients feel empowered to be in control of their own life's journey.

My Tarot in Action business and shop in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne, is a wonderful space for people to explore and deepen their understanding of these practices. In fact, it is from this shop that I conduct my readings, teach my classes, provide counseling services and Reiki healings, as well as offer a range of quality Tarot merchandise and various gifts. Classes and readings are also available via Zoom platform.

Today, I can also add to my list of attributes a Philanthropist, Activist and Author with the launch of my book "Tarot Distinctions."

Launching my Tarot Distinctions book is a significant achievement and adds another dimension to my work as an author, providing valuable insights to those interested in Tarot. Becoming a philanthropist and activist also shows my commitment to making a positive impact beyond my immediate community, and it's a pleasure for me that I am using my platform and resources to support causes I believe in.

                I am dedicated to empowering others on their life journeys and providing them with the
                tools they need to navigate their paths with clarity and purpose. - Ruanna 

Grand Masters and MeSo honoured to be a presenter at the 7th International Feng Shui Convention 2010 in Singapore. I am sitting on the far right along with all the Grand Masters.
Shopped cropped 2My humble Tarot in Action shop in Moonee Ponds with Zachary the cat in front window. Airport West Tram No.59 Stop #36. 
Presentor IFSA Melb May 2014Honoured to present "Tarot and Fortune" at the Australian Feng Shui International Convention in 2014. Check out the video of my presentation in the Video section.



In November 2010, I was honoured and privileged to be asked to present "The Secrets of Numerology" at the 7th International Feng Shui Assoc Annual Convention in Singapore. In 2014, I was asked to present "Fortune and Tarot" at the 11th International Feng Shui Convention held at the Novotel, Melbourne.

I have been invited to return to Singapore every year since to teach Tarot Beginners & Advanced Masterclasses, Numerology Masterclass, Tarot Readings, in 2021 new Astrology Masterclasses and in 2025 Reiki Masterclasses.

I feel very honoured to continue with teaching Tarot in Singapore and have met wonderful people and made new friends in doing so. You can watch all my Tarot presentations via Youtube.


Another way I am supporting all my students and clients is by inviting them to list their business or service on my new Healers and Psychics Directory. It is a powerful website with the SEO built in, this is its purpose. It will build your marketing profile, you can use it as a website and the more people search for you and/or service the more it makes google understand its a trusted site.


My monthly Newsletter "Revelations" this is where I list all the latest classes, dates and times. Tarot related information, festivals to attend, also a monthly Astrology Forecast, plus so much more. It comes out on the 1st of every month.

Please subscribe to my free e-Newsletter in the box provided below.

Author of my Tarot Distinctions book, 4 years in the making and launched in 2018. Visit the online shop to purchase your copy.

Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia since 1995.

Celebtrating 30 full years of being a Professional Tarot Reader and Tarot Teacher, 1995-2025.


I have always carried all the classic and quality products that I sell through my shop and now also available through my online shop. You are also most welcome to visit my shop in Moonee Ponds, remember that it is by appointment only.

Stay up-to-date with my all escapades through my News Feed and monthly Astrology Forecasts via the Blog. I love to keep a running history of all my adventures and accomplishments. Orignially, I used to keep a Scrap book of all my adventures and work experiences, today with the accomodation of computers, it is all kept online. Please also follow me on all social media platforms for all the latest news.

Heaps of Specialness,

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